The Publisher must assume no responsibility or liability for any expenses or damages resulting from errors, omissions, tariffs or changes of any kind in the information contained in this publication. 出版人不为出版物中信息的任何错误、省略、关税或修改所引起的任何费用或赔偿承担任何责任。
Under no circumstances shall Dragon Hill Wuling Automobile Holdings Limited or its subsidiaries be liable for any loss or damages resulting from the use of the information provided on this website. 任何情况下,俊山五菱汽车集团有限公司或其附属公司均不对因使用本网站资料而引致之损失或损害附上任何责任。
Well. But what should be done if the contractually agreed breach of contract damages are far more or far less than actual losses resulting from the breach? 可如果约定的违约金过分高于或者低于违约所造成的实际损失,该怎么办呢?
You accept full damages resulting from claims made by IP holders of content included in your movie. 你能够承担由你主持账号带来的损失,包括你提交的作品。
This warranty shall not cover damages resulting from commercial ( rental) use. 此质保不适用于商业(租赁)用车过程中造成的损害。
BP is to sell assets in Texas, Canada and Egypt to part-fund the clean-up costs and damages claims resulting from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 英国石油公司打算出售其在美国德州、加拿大和埃及的资产来部分补贴墨西哥漏油事件的清理和赔偿工作。
If WIRTGEN CHINA establishes that its actual damages resulting from the Buyer's delay of payment were higher, then WIRTGEN CHINA is entitled to claim compensation for such higher damages. 如果WIRTGENCHINA确定因买方延迟付款对其造成的实际损失更高,则WIRTGENCHINA有权提出更高的赔付请求。
Where the amount of liquidated damages prescribed exceeds the loss resulting from the breach, a party may petition the People's Court or an arbitration institution to decrease the amount as appropriate. 约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少。
Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication. 不承担任何使用本出版物中所含信息造成的损害的责任。
And damages to "natural resources" resulting from release of hazardous substances. 因泄漏危险物质而造成的对“天然资源”的破坏。
Take care of and coordinate repair and maintenance of module damages resulting from normal using. 完成并协调模具使用中损坏的维修和保养。
They may also agree upon a method for calculating the damages resulting from such a breach. 也可以约定对于违反合同而产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。
The breach of contract damages as stipulated in the contract shall be regarded as compensation for the losses resulting from breach of contract. 合同中约定的违约金,视为违反合同的损失赔偿。
The supplier is responsible for all damages, costs and expenses resulting, directly or indirectly, from defects. 供应商应对瑕疵直接或间接引起的所有损害赔偿、成本和花费承担责任。
The Buyer shall, however, be entitled to prove that the actual damages resulting from its late payment were lower. 但买方有权证明因其延迟付款造成的实际损失更低。
The responsibility to compensate for damages from divorce is in nature one of the responsibilities resulting from infringing upon rights. 离婚损害赔偿责任在本质上属于侵权责任;
Freezing damages of embryos were resulted from the excessive loss of intracellular water during freezing resulting in the shrinkage, disruption Of embryo surface cell, cells separation from each other, which was the principal cause of embryo death. 而胚胎的冷冻损伤则由于出现严重的胞内失水,引起胚胎表皮细胞皱缩,细胞间相互分离,使胚胎致死。
The problems occurring in the actual operation of reverse osmosis such as the damages of membrane assembly resulting from the design shortcomings of reverse osmosis system and the defects of equipment itself, and the adopted resolution plan directed against the existing problems were elaborated. 论述反渗透系统由于设计上的不足、设备本身的缺陷,造成膜组件的损坏,在实际运行中发生的问题及针对存在问题所采取解决方案。
The center stresses centralized management in compounding cytotoxic drugs, strict operating rules and protective actions, and reduction of possible toxic damages resulting from cytotoxic drugs and infection caused by them in other sectors, thus guaranteeing the physical and mental health of the medical staff. 该中心加强细胞毒药物配制的集中管理,制订严格的操作规程及防护措施,减少细胞毒药物的毒性危害及在其它部门的污染,从而保障了广大医务人员的身心健康。
Conclusion Naloxone could reduce plasma β-endorphin, alleviate encephalic damages resulting from asphyxia and enhance the effects of resuscitation, and therefore is a safe medication to resuscitate asphyxiated neonates. 结论纳洛酮能拮抗β内啡肽,减轻颅脑损伤,提高复苏效果,是窒息复苏中使用的可靠药物,可以降低窒息后造成的颅脑损伤,并有可能有效避免由于窒息而造成的颅脑损伤等后遗症。
In June, 2004, the New Basel Capital Agreement states "Legal risk includes, but is not limited to, exposure to fines, penalties, or punitive damages resulting from supervisory actions, as well as private settlements". 2004年6月,新巴塞尔资本协议规定:法律风险,包括但不限于因监管措施和解决民商事争议而支付的罚款、罚金或者惩罚性赔偿所导致的风险敞口。
From the theory of externalities of environmental economics 'perspective, the economic damages resulting from water pollution are multi-faceted, which will reduce the social welfare and increased social costs. 如果从环境经济学外部性理论的角度来分析,水污染产生的经济损害是多方面的,这些损害都会使得社会福利降低,并增加社会成本。
Therefore, irreducible water saturation increases and residual oil saturation gradually decreases as reservoir temperature increases. Secondly, physical simulation experiments at high temperature are employed to studied formation damages resulting from water-rock reactions, water-liquid reactions and asphalt deposition during steam injection. 其次,利用高温物模实验研究了稠油油藏注蒸汽过程中的水岩反应、水液反应和注蒸汽后沥青沉积引起的储层变化。
Parties to the contract in a variety of reasons, the agreement for liquidated damages resulting from breach of contract may have a greater gap between the actual consequences, which relates to the legal regulation of liquidated damages issue. 合同当事人出于种种原因,对违约金的约定可能与违约造成的实际后果有较大差距,这就涉及到对违约金的法律调整问题。